Ah, there you are, glad you made it here! This is the ultimate overview of all the Game Rounds in Eco Empires. Here, you can delve into the history of previous game rounds, stay updated on ongoing battles, and prepare for upcoming challenges. Each game round features detailed specifications, including start and end dates, the timeframe in which the Endurium Tree kicks in, and the exciting prizes up for grabs. As soon as a round begins, its name will become an active hyperlink, guiding you directly to the appropriate server where the action unfolds.

For a comprehensive understanding of Eco Empires and what this dynamic world entails, be sure to visit our Guide. For the latest news, updates, support, and to join our thriving community, be sure to join our Discord. Dive in and become a part of the ever-evolving saga that is Eco Empires!

Status Name Type NFTs Enabled Start Date Start Time Endurium Timeframe Prizes End Date
Epoch #4 – It’s Kicking Off! (Beta) Standard No TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA
Epoch #3 – Lunar Gaming Festival (Alpha) Standard No July 15, 2024 12.00 CEST August 13-15, 2024 12x 200 $USDC
500$ in $CBY
September 2, 2024 @ 12.00 CEST
Epoch #2 – The Endurium Tree (Alpha) Standard No June 24, 2024 12.00 CEST July 29-31, 2024 $5000 in $CBY
Genesis FOIL Hero NFT
Genesis Landplot NFT
August 12, 2024 @ 12.00 CEST
Epoch #1 –  Faction Wars #1 (Alpha) Standard No November 24, 2023 18.00 CEST N/A $CBY
3x Premium Hero NFT
3x Standard Hero NFT
December 14, 2023 @ 12.00 CEST